Hi every ones. I am very excited you must forgive me if you notice it. I just wish I could be able to post my pictures and show you in images what I have been doing and involved into. So many things have happen since the last time I have updated this blog and many things are still happening. I will do whatever it takes (and I mean it!) to post the pictures for you.
God has been so faithful to all of us and we are very grateful to Him to allow us serve Him in ways we have never considered before. When we have arrived here in Mongu last week we did not know what to expect. But as the things began to unfold we began to see the greatness of God and His provision for the poor of Mongu. With the team, we past three days in Katongo village with the sick, orphans and refugees mostly from Angola. Poverty and despair were every where. Poorly clothed kids were following us literally everywhere and all the time. Those of my team members who are whites saw themselves surrounded by dozens of curious and unschooled children who chantted "MOKWUA!, MOKWUA!!". That is how they call white man here. It is not an insult but it is a word for white man in their language, the Lozi language. Immediately we began to practice ourLozi, the few words that we learned from our Mission mentor. You may not believe it but people were happy to see us and just to have us stay with them. In the midst of poverty and despair we found songs of praise, sincere worship and dances of joy for the Lord. Most of us we broke in tears seeing the joy of the people who had almost nothing. Their houses where made of grasses from the top to the bottom and they did not complain. Their woman were full of dignity and greeted us with a lot of respect and esteem. The elders came out, greeted us and told us how they appreciate our visit and our coming to talk to their youth about HIV/AIDS and Life skills. That was what we did also there. for the three days we stayed in that village.
Yesterday, we went to visit the local hospital. We have volunteered doing manual labour in the hospital taking sick to X-Ray or Ultrasound for and back. We have started by praying and sharing the word of God to the sick. There were a lot of cases of stomach pain and chest pain, TB, AIDS, etc. But God was so wonderful.
I will stop here for now to continue next time as I promise with pictures. Till then May God bless you all that are reading this blog all over the world. This experience has changed me completely. I am a new man, I'm born again. I saw people delivered from demonic possession after we prayed for them; I saw people with stomach disease having water expelled from their stomach after we have prayed for them. I saw people giving their lives to Christ after hearing the Gospel. I spoke to High school student about their promise in God and why they must preserve their lives (Ps.119:50). I saw poor people doing things that we in North America we will not dare to try without making sure that we have all the resources and funds in place. That has transformed me and my way of seeing God promise and provision. If one thing is sure of this trip: is that it has wiped out all my excuses to start doing the things that God has ask me to do for Him and for His people.
May you all rest blessed in His peace wherever you are, knowing that His promise preserves our lives (Ps.119:50)
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