Wednesday, April 25, 2007



Today was the last day of School for this semester. Hah!, I had two exams today Philo and Politics but I'm happy than it's over. No more school until September, eh! Now it's time for adventure! Speaking of adventure, I have already started to think of the great experience that is awaiting for us in Zambia this summer. I'm going to spend a month with my wonderful team. They are all great and I know that God is going to use us to bless and to be blessed also.

This is my Zambia team. It's a blessing to be part of such a great and wonderful team willing to go where they have never been before just to help other people.

Don't worry, I'll keep you updated just stay in touch.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Web Album (Honduras Trip photos)

It seems like many people are unable to find our Honduras Trip's photos album online. If so please click on the following picture to access the album:
MED- Honduras 2007

Cliquez sur la photo ci-dessus pour pouvoir acceder a l'album photo de notre voyage en Honduras, Amerique Central.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Competition in being somebody else than yourself!

The way to failure is full of men and women that listen to people who tell them they cannot make it, it is impossible!.

There is a lot of competition around in being somebody else than just yourself. The first competitor is the person or the title you want to emulate. Don’t try to be somebody else or any title so you will not have to compete with them. In being yourself you are just the champion that nobody can ever defeat. Nobody can compete with you in being you, even after you are gone. No time, or century or millennium, not even scientific progress or even your own clone can ever rival or surpass you by being you.

I’m sick and tied of trying to be somebody else all my life: I desist. Then I find it very easy and natural to be myself. And I wonder, guess what I find out that nobody can ever defeat or contend with me in what I call: just being myself.
Just be the best you can be at the maximum self you can ever be.
Everyone has a universal record that no one else can ever defeat in this sport of self being.

L’homme est l’artisan principal de sa réussite ou de son échec. Il ne peut dorénavant blâmer que lui-même.

Let us just be men. It’s a waste of time and energy trying to become something else than man. We can call ourselves developed, advanced, progressed, modernized, qualified or civilized but after a long time of wisdom that requires time for understanding we will rediscover it again at the end of the road that no matter how far we are gone, we just need to be men and men only. That attachment to our humanity is what is of special in us human beings. Lose that desire you lose your humanity.

Summer Mission Trip

I just wanted to drop a word of what I will be doing during summer. I will be travelling arround the globe, precisely between Europe and Africa. From May to the end of July, I will be going arround preaching and teaching the Word, conducting business seminars and business clinics in Africa.

First, I'm travelling from Canada as part of the University College student service team that will be going to Zambia, Africa for several weeks in May. Partnering with the mission SIM and Scripture Union, we will be working alongside the Zambian volunteers for the APPLE (AIDS Prevention Plus Life Education) project. We will go into the schools in the Western Province to teach Bible and Christian sexual values. On the weekends we will serve the local churches and their youth groups in ministry. There will also be opportunities for outreach in a community school for orphans, VBS programs, and ministry through music and sports.

I am excited about the experience that lies ahead, both for ministry to others and for personal growth as I seek to communicate Christ cross-culturally. We recognize that our service needs to be supported in prayer and so would first ask you to consider joining our team in this regard. I will supply you with a schedule and prayer needs before I leave, and will share with you the blessings of what God accomplishes through us on our return. It would be great to have you minister with us through your prayers for the people of Zambia.

We also have financial needs to cover the airfare, inoculations, room and board, health insurance and ministry costs of this trip. Each team member needs to raise approximately $4000, and this amount must be on hand by the end of April. Please consider being a part of this mission team in this regard. If God leads you to participate with financial support, make your cheques payable to Tyndale University College and Seminary and note ‘Zambia Trip’ and my name on the memo line. All donations for the student mission team are tax deductible and will be receipted accordingly. Note that receipts are usually sent out at year-end, but can be issued immediately, upon request.

Thanks in advance for your prayers and financial support. May God richly bless you as you partner with us in this outreach.

Second, after Zambia I'm not coming back directly to Canada. I'll be spending two weeks in London, U.K. ministering the Word before I go to Dublin, Ireland ministering for another two weeks. Then taking a friend from Dublin, together we will go back to Africa. I will be conducting Bible teaching seminars and Business seminars for two weeks before I travel again to Luanda, Angola. In Luanda, in addition of Bible seminars, I will be also conducting business clinic wherever I intend to help people who are struggling with small businesses. Using my University's business training skills and my knowledge of the local socio-economic environment, I plan to offer my service and expertise to those who cannot afford it freely. Both in DR Congo and in Angola preparations are taking places already for these events. I will be having a very busy schedule this summer but I'll do my best from time to time to keep you posted through this blog. I will be back to Canada only by the end of July 2007.

Tank you for listening, eh!

The Formula of Success!

Do you know what it takes to succeed in life? How do you define success in life? How will you know that you have made it and achieved something? This picture taken in the Republic Democratic of Congo tells you how a Chinese cell phone Company defines success to the locals. If you didn't get it, it says: a suit + a watch + a car (Mercedes Benz) + ? (a cell phone of course)= A successful man. Eh guys, I did not know that most of you have already achieved success in life. Then why are you still striving in life, eh? What do you think that board is telling the poor man passing under it? What is he thinking, pushing his cart and reading the formula of success. Hah, I believe is more depressed now than ever!

Most firms are doing overseas what they cannot do domestically. Their marketing approach is sometime without ethic or morality. For example in Africa one can wonder at the level of poverty the local populations are living in. But at the same time one will be amazed knowing how some firms are making great profits in the expenses of these peoples. The telecommunication firms, for instance, are giving a message that let understand to the local populations that without owning a cell phone an individual is not on page, is left behind, a kind of a cast away. They make it appear that without a cell phone an individual is not a complete person and lacks a certain privileged status in the society that a cell phone grants. As a result people will do everything to buy and maintain a cell phone while starving and lacking clothing. The message is manipulative and gives a false impression that material possessions grant certain high status in the society and the community.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Merchants of Miracles!

Max Weber (1864-1920) cautioned that in time of economic crisis, citizens in a society where happiness was equated with possessions would be quick to support charismatic leaders who promised wide-ranging and easy solution to their plight. I have discovered this very, very sad video of how fantoosh preachers, abusing of their status, are using, abusing and misusing people's ignorance to enrich themselves. By means of superstitions and people's naivety, they have succeeded to give themselves the image of miracle walkers. In a society where poverty is so extreme that people would cling onto any that promise them either a quick miraculous solution or a way to escape. This video, unfortunately, is only in French but if you watch it you can have an idea of what is going on.

À Kinshasa, plongée dans l'univers ahurissant des églises de guérison, où la violence des cultes reflète celle de la misère, où le discours tragi-comique des télévangélistes répond à la naïveté désespérée des fidèles.

The video is quite disturbing so the exploitation of the poor, especially by the people they trust the most.

Winter is over!

Last month I went to Niagara Falls you know, just sightseeing!

Everything was so cold and the Falls has almost frozen but we were few visitors arround.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Micro- Entreprise Development Class - Honduras 2007 Trip

Last February I and five other members of my Micro-Entreprise Development (MED) Class including our teacher, we went on a trip to Central America in Honduras for a week where we were able to see Micro-Enterprise Development projects first hand. We traveled with Opportunity International, who in the last eleven years has created more then 3.5 million jobs.
The first step in our trip was in Tegucigalpa, Honduras’s capital city. This city, like many others in Latin America, exhibits the stark contrasts between the few wealthy upper class, and the majority of the impoverished, daily struggling to survive. There we observed how all of the aspects of MED work together as we have visited those who have benefited from the micro-enterprise and micro-finance experience. We have stayed for ten days and travelled to the country side, to Santa Fe where we helped the local community to install pipe water that they have been expecting for 13 years. The water system works completely by gravity caring water from mountains and hills to these families homes using gravity to boost pressure. You can see our trip pictures by clicking here (Cliquez içi pour voir nos photos de voyage a Honduras). We have also made medical delivery to Dr. Enid's medical centre on account of Health Partners International Canada. You can also see pictures of deliveries on the web album.

I am alive and doing well!

When I came to this Country five years ago, I did not know exactly what to expect and what to do. I only had the sense of direction toward what I would like to guide my life and what I would like it to be like at the end of the day. Life has not been easy at all, coming from Africa, all my previous educational background and experience were deemed irrelevant to the great "Canadian experience". Therefore, I needed to go back to school to upgrade my education. Since, I did not have any money to sustain myself and support my family that stayed back in Africa, I have accepted a general labour work in a factory West of Toronto for over two years before I quit for Tyndale University College where I am at my third year of B.A. in Business Administration. Living my job for school was not easy at all in every respect. People called me crazy, an adventurer or a risk taker but I did not pay attention to their comment because I was the only one who new what exactly I wanted to see my life transformed to. Many of my country men and friends that came together with me to Canada were satisfied of their situation, striving in life, under paid and sweating in these factories with no hope of alternative future. I have made a decision to change the course of my life and I do not regret it at all. In the contrary I am so glad that I made it. Because of that, I have to do everything that I can and cannot to succeed in life starting with my university education. For five years I did not rest a single day. Facing the vision I have set to myself, and view my age and family responsibilities I would not relax for a moment any time soon. If I rest today, I will have to face an impossible task tomorrow. Therefore, I work hard today to relax later, I study today to enjoy tomorrow. The future is bright and hopeful in spite of what is going on in our world today, there is still a place for hope. And some of us know that!