I just wanted to drop a word of what I will be doing during summer. I will be travelling arround the globe, precisely between Europe and Africa. From May to the end of July, I will be going arround preaching and teaching the Word, conducting business seminars and business clinics in Africa.
First, I'm travelling from Canada as part of the
University College student service team that will be going to Zambia, Africa for several weeks in May. Partnering with the mission SIM and Scripture Union, we will be working alongside the Zambian volunteers for the APPLE (AIDS Prevention Plus Life Education) project. We will go into the schools in the Western Province to teach Bible and Christian sexual values. On the weekends we will serve the local churches and their youth groups in ministry. There will also be opportunities for outreach in a community school for orphans, VBS programs, and ministry through music and sports.
I am excited about the experience that lies ahead, both for ministry to others and for personal growth as I seek to communicate Christ cross-culturally. We recognize that our service needs to be supported in prayer and so would first ask you to consider joining our team in this regard. I will supply you with a schedule and prayer needs before I leave, and will share with you the blessings of what God accomplishes through us on our return. It would be great to have you minister with us through your prayers for the people of Zambia.
We also have financial needs to cover the airfare, inoculations, room and board, health insurance and ministry costs of this trip. Each team member needs to raise approximately $4000, and this amount must be on hand by the end of April. Please consider being a part of this mission team in this regard. If God leads you to participate with financial support, make your cheques payable to Tyndale University College and Seminary and note ‘Zambia Trip’ and my name on the memo line. All donations for the student mission team are tax deductible and will be receipted accordingly. Note that receipts are usually sent out at year-end, but can be issued immediately, upon request.
Thanks in advance for your prayers and financial support. May God richly bless you as you partner with us in this outreach.
Second, after Zambia I'm not coming back directly to Canada. I'll be spending two weeks in London, U.K. ministering the Word before I go to Dublin, Ireland ministering for another two weeks. Then taking a friend from Dublin, together we will go back to Africa. I will be conducting Bible teaching seminars and Business seminars for two weeks before I travel again to Luanda, Angola. In Luanda, in addition of Bible seminars, I will be also conducting business clinic wherever I intend to help people who are struggling with small businesses. Using my University's business training skills and my knowledge of the local socio-economic environment, I plan to offer my service and expertise to those who cannot afford it freely. Both in DR Congo and in Angola preparations are taking places already for these events. I will be having a very busy schedule this summer but I'll do my best from time to time to keep you posted through this blog. I will be back to Canada only by the end of July 2007.
Tank you for listening, eh!