Max Weber (1864-1920) cautioned that in time of economic crisis, citizens in a society where happiness was equated with possessions would be quick to support charismatic leaders who promised wide-ranging and easy solution to their plight. I have discovered this very, very sad video of how fantoosh preachers, abusing of their status, are using, abusing and misusing people's ignorance to enrich themselves. By means of superstitions and people's naivety, they have succeeded to give themselves the image of miracle walkers. In a society where poverty is so extreme that people would cling onto any that promise them either a quick miraculous solution or a way to escape. This video, unfortunately, is only in French but if you watch it you can have an idea of what is going on.
À Kinshasa, plongée dans l'univers ahurissant des églises de guérison, où la violence des cultes reflète celle de la misère, où le discours tragi-comique des télévangélistes répond à la naïveté désespérée des fidèles.
The video is quite disturbing so the exploitation of the poor, especially by the people they trust the most.
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