Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Formula of Success!

Do you know what it takes to succeed in life? How do you define success in life? How will you know that you have made it and achieved something? This picture taken in the Republic Democratic of Congo tells you how a Chinese cell phone Company defines success to the locals. If you didn't get it, it says: a suit + a watch + a car (Mercedes Benz) + ? (a cell phone of course)= A successful man. Eh guys, I did not know that most of you have already achieved success in life. Then why are you still striving in life, eh? What do you think that board is telling the poor man passing under it? What is he thinking, pushing his cart and reading the formula of success. Hah, I believe is more depressed now than ever!

Most firms are doing overseas what they cannot do domestically. Their marketing approach is sometime without ethic or morality. For example in Africa one can wonder at the level of poverty the local populations are living in. But at the same time one will be amazed knowing how some firms are making great profits in the expenses of these peoples. The telecommunication firms, for instance, are giving a message that let understand to the local populations that without owning a cell phone an individual is not on page, is left behind, a kind of a cast away. They make it appear that without a cell phone an individual is not a complete person and lacks a certain privileged status in the society that a cell phone grants. As a result people will do everything to buy and maintain a cell phone while starving and lacking clothing. The message is manipulative and gives a false impression that material possessions grant certain high status in the society and the community.

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