Last February I and five other members of my Micro-Entreprise Development (MED) Class including our teacher, we went on a trip to Central America in Honduras for a week where we were able to see Micro-Enterprise Development projects first hand. We traveled with Opportunity International, who in the last eleven years has created more then 3.5 million jobs.
The first step in our trip was in Tegucigalpa, Honduras’s capital city. This city, like many others in Latin America, exhibits the stark contrasts between the few wealthy upper class, and the majority of the impoverished, daily struggling to survive. There we observed how all of the aspects of MED work together as we have visited those who have benefited from the micro-enterprise and micro-finance experience. We have stayed for ten days and travelled to the country side, to Santa Fe where we helped the local community to install pipe water that they have been expecting for 13 years. The water system works completely by gravity caring water from mountains and hills to these families homes using gravity to boost pressure. You can see our trip pictures by clicking here (Cliquez içi pour voir nos photos de voyage a Honduras). We have also made medical delivery to Dr. Enid's medical centre on account of Health Partners International Canada. You can also see pictures of deliveries on the web album.
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