Thursday, April 19, 2007

Competition in being somebody else than yourself!

The way to failure is full of men and women that listen to people who tell them they cannot make it, it is impossible!.

There is a lot of competition around in being somebody else than just yourself. The first competitor is the person or the title you want to emulate. Don’t try to be somebody else or any title so you will not have to compete with them. In being yourself you are just the champion that nobody can ever defeat. Nobody can compete with you in being you, even after you are gone. No time, or century or millennium, not even scientific progress or even your own clone can ever rival or surpass you by being you.

I’m sick and tied of trying to be somebody else all my life: I desist. Then I find it very easy and natural to be myself. And I wonder, guess what I find out that nobody can ever defeat or contend with me in what I call: just being myself.
Just be the best you can be at the maximum self you can ever be.
Everyone has a universal record that no one else can ever defeat in this sport of self being.

L’homme est l’artisan principal de sa réussite ou de son échec. Il ne peut dorénavant blâmer que lui-même.

Let us just be men. It’s a waste of time and energy trying to become something else than man. We can call ourselves developed, advanced, progressed, modernized, qualified or civilized but after a long time of wisdom that requires time for understanding we will rediscover it again at the end of the road that no matter how far we are gone, we just need to be men and men only. That attachment to our humanity is what is of special in us human beings. Lose that desire you lose your humanity.

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